Thursday, July 8, 2010

I found my hook

I have been debating how to relay myself via a blog. Everybody has a hook. I mean look at Julie and Julia, they made a MOVIE about it because she had a great hook. I had been trying to force it for a while, to no avail and figured that I would one day, when the time was right, I would be inspired. I knew there had to be something I could bring to the vast interwebs we have all become so reliant on as the new social tool of the millennium. So a few weeks ago I began using what I think are 50 cent words to express my situations and feelings on Facebook. I termed these little lovelies as Lisa's Word of the Day. Surprisingly to me, my Facebook buddies enjoyed my using of my mood to enhance all of our vocabularies. A HOOK WAS born!!!! So stay tuned as I will share my Word of the Day (probably Word of the Week because a daily blog seems to daunting). I hope you like!!!!

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