Friday, July 30, 2010

Cluster Fuck

Ok, I was thinking about my life and how I have completely turned a great life template into a major CLUSTER FUCK. Then I thought about it, where the HELL did that turn of phrase originate. I did a little searching and here is what I came up with. I am not certain that it is accurate, but interesting none-the-less.

Synonyms: Charlie Foxtrot, goat-rope

What does cluster fuck mean?
1)A chaotic mess that might be compared to group sex, in which participants are so intertwined and intermingled that they might penetrate each other rather than their intended target.
2)Its more precise usage describes a particular kind of Catch-22 , in which multiple complicated problems mutually interfere with each other's solution. The looser usage, referring to any chaotic situation, probably prevails
3)A confusing or chaotic situation or event, often caused by a failure of communication, an excessive amount of people attempting to accomplish a given task, or complex environment.

Second: Why is cluster fuck my WOTD?
Well, it's a cool sounding dirty word first off. But mostly, I just feel like when people have a pessimistic world view, life is a Catch-22. You are always presented at forks in the road, with many choices, both important and trivial. For an optimist, these are opportunities for growth and success. But for the pessimists these forks are more chances for cruel fate, bad judgment or karma to come back and bite them in the ass.
So as I sit here having my pity party, I think of how I have complicated things for myself and those around me creating a cluster fuck of a scenario. I always feel that I pick the wrong side of the fork, but my dad always reminds me that we NEVER know what the other side would have been like as we did not take that road.
I know that our reality is just how we perceive our lives and our feelings come directly from our actions and what we choose to think about and with whom and what we surround ourselves.

Third: Where does the term cluster fuck originate?
It is widely used in the American military, going at least back to the Vietnam War, and some say was coined by a 1960's "hippie" poet Ed sanders as he used the term Mongolian cluster fuck.

So when you break it down, there are three pieces to this word puzzle:

1) Mongolian: This one I am just guessing at, but the Mongols were some MESSED UP DUDES. So this qualifier, I believe, is utilized to underscore the brutality and "fucked-up-ness" of the whole situation

2) Cluster: Here are a few possibilities that I did not know that come from military origins, which, of course, made me immediately interested in the word.

"One possibility is that it refers to the fucking which is perpetrated upon the target of a cluster: a large group of fragmentation or incendiary bombs dropped at once.

It may also refer to an alternate definition of "cluster," involving groups of mines deployed in a single area to be effective against both tanks and humans

This phrase was also used by Marines during the Vietnam War to refer to a cluster of people large enough to get severely screwed or a group of marines large enough to draw enemy fire, or to all be injured by a single explosive. "

3) And FUCK!!! There have been many definitions and usages for this word, but it's pretty self-explanitory, at least I think it is!!!! For those of you who don't know about the versatility of this word: FUCK YOU

Mongolian cluster fuck has also been used as a term to describe an orgy. Maybe because of one of the above definitions.

Not to plagiarize. Here's where I obtained this information Some of it I did copy verbatim, He did a good job so I kept it that way:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday's Word of the Day: Seize

The Formalities: Seize: to take by force; to grab. Synonyms: domineer; comendeer; to take hold of

The Dirt: I think this 5 letter word packs a major punch. I know it's not a 50 cent word, but think of the power of such a small seemingly simple word. It has such a variety of meanings, but mostly I see it as an empowering word for my life right now. And here's how :

1) to take hold of suddenly or forcibly: In life you need to be an aggressor, no one ever got anything worth having my sitting around waiting for it. I have worked exceedingly hard and have aggressively gone towards all of my goals.

2) to understand clearly and completely: My schooling right now is causing me to stretch my mind to its capacity. I want to understand both my discipline and myself clearly and completely.

3) to take possession of by force or at will: Many powerful, intelligent women still feel the urge to be taken possession of force. It demonstrates that you are not only powerful and intelligent, but desirable and exciting as well.

To have a sudden overwhelming effect on: I think that we all want to connect with people. Knowing that we have an effect on people, especially an overwhelming effect, is a good ego boost as well as makes you feel stronger and able to conquer LIFE!

5) carpe diem or to seize the day: This speaks for itself. Life is to FUCKING short not to grab onto what you want and TAKE IT!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday's WOTD: Gordian

The Formalities: Gordian, for my purposes means to cut the Gordian knot, to act quickly and decisively in a difficult situation; solve a problem BOLDLY.

The history behind the word Gordian can be found at the following link: Gordian

The Dirt: One of my very dear friends made the astute observation that although I am a very intelligent woman, my decision-making skills are something to be desired, or to be totally honest, THEY SUCK THE BIG ONE. I don't know if decision making is just in a part of the brain that I killed with alcohol or maybe I just acquired this deficit from my father. In any event, I have come to a crossroads in my life and must be BOLD and make some rather life altering changes. Hence, I must be Gordian!!!!

I found my hook

I have been debating how to relay myself via a blog. Everybody has a hook. I mean look at Julie and Julia, they made a MOVIE about it because she had a great hook. I had been trying to force it for a while, to no avail and figured that I would one day, when the time was right, I would be inspired. I knew there had to be something I could bring to the vast interwebs we have all become so reliant on as the new social tool of the millennium. So a few weeks ago I began using what I think are 50 cent words to express my situations and feelings on Facebook. I termed these little lovelies as Lisa's Word of the Day. Surprisingly to me, my Facebook buddies enjoyed my using of my mood to enhance all of our vocabularies. A HOOK WAS born!!!! So stay tuned as I will share my Word of the Day (probably Word of the Week because a daily blog seems to daunting). I hope you like!!!!