Monday, August 20, 2012


I was thinking about wanting to be swept off my feet.  What compliments would cause me to melt in a man’s hand.  Then I thought of the word for today –STUNNING.

When I typically think of the word stunning, I think of the most informal of its definitions.

         1) Striking beautiful; attractive; enticing.

However, the second thing that came to my mind was a cattle prod or a stun gun.  This intrigued me enough to try and make the connection, which surprisingly wasn’t too difficult when you read the definitions below.

2) Commanding attention
3) Causing great astonishment and consternation;
4) or
a. causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility;
b. causing loss of physical or intellectual bearings;
c. causing, capable of causing, or liable to cause astonishment, bewilderment, or a loss of consciousness or strength

So obviously one can be rendered unconscious or lose strength with either a zap of the stun gun or by be taken with a great beauty.   This made me think, which came first the chicken or the bombshell?

The best I could do was to find the following:

1250–1300; Middle English stonen, stunen (v.) < Old French estoner to shake, make resound;

So I still can’t figure out whether the action or the adjective came first.  I like to think it was used to for good and then someone was so taken with a woman that they developed a stun gun to render her stunning in two senses of the word~

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